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Data Communication | Question paper | CTEVT

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training

Office of the controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Regular/Back 2076 Shrawan / Bhadra

Program : Diploma In Computer Engineering
Year/Part : III/II
Subject : Data Communication

Full Marks: 80 | Pass Marks 32 | Time: 3hrs.

Attempt Any Eight Questions.

1. What is PSTN? Explain about subscriber telephone and subscriber loop. What are the hierarchical networks? Explain [2+2+2+4 Marks]

2. Differentiate between Analog and Digital transmission. Describe about transmission media with diagram. [4+6 Marks]

3. Explain transmission impairments? Also elaborate major difference between LAN & WAN? [5+5 Marks]

4. Why multiplexing is important? Explain about time division multiplexing & space division multiplexing. [4+6 Marks]

5. List out the types of multiple access techniques? Compare pure ALOHA & slotted ALOHA. [5+5 Marks]

6. What is a PCM system? Explain about M-law & A-law. [4+6 Marks]

7. Explain about companding in PCM system. Also explain about T1 and E1 lines. [5+5 Marks]

8. Define switching? Explain packet switching & message switching with diagram? [2+8 Marks]

9. Why computer networking is important? Discuss about different modes of transmission with example. [4+6 Marks]

10. Write short notes on. (Any Two)

        a) Network typologies
        b) Private Branch Exchange
        c) Line codes

**Bese Of Luck**

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